How to Create a Glamping Tent

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Camping has its perks. You get to immerse yourself in the outdoors, sit around a campfire, and enjoy what nature has to offer. Oh, but the tent. Sleeping uncomfortably on the ground is not always ideal. Here are some of my hacks to create a more “glamping” space, from your own tent!
Invest in a Good Air Mattress
Double wide, or even triple wide, creates a space that makes you feel like you are at home in your own bed. I like this air mattress. There’s something about having an elevated bed that just ups the comfort level. If you have kids, I suggest getting them one too, only because they’ll end up in yours like mine did!
Making the bed is also key to go from camping to glamping. Use regular sheets and blankets instead of sleeping bags. I used an old bed set that was sitting in storage anyway, which included the cute throw pillows. We even brought some extra throw blankets for added cozyness. If it gets extra cold, you can always throw an unzipped sleeping bag on top, or use a camping quilt. (Our next investment may be a buddy heater for the tent so we don’t have to worry about it getting too cold!)
2. Create Side Tables
When you have a raised bed, side tables are a must. These are just simple wood crates I already had for decor that were from a craft store. They doubled as storage for packing. I used a lantern as my “lamp”, and had all my things within reach (flashlight, water, mirror, books, and my toiletries ). I also sleep with a sound machine normally, and found a battery operated one on amazon! This particular camping trip was extra buggy, so a citronella candle was also a must when we were in the tent.
3. Light it Up
Sure, we have lanterns, and there’s all the hacks out there with putting a light against a gallon jug. Take it to the next level though, and get some fairy lights. They even come with remotes for easy off and on. They light the whole tent up at night, and add ambiance, too. They were simply strung through the holes along the top of the tent.
Added bonus- the awesome fan that was found on amazon! It was hung from the top to cool down the tent, but could also sit on its own, and had a light.
4. Make it Homey
Adding a few simple touches can really aid in sprucing up your tent. Dollar store rugs for the inside and outside of the door, and a pop up hamper adds that extra homey feel.
5. The Entry Way Matters
It’s not glamping without an entry way. Everything was purchased at the dollar store. Another rug to wipe off your shoes before entering, a basket to keep dirty shoes in and keep them out of the tent, and solar lights to light up the walk way when it gets dark. Don’t forget a dust pan to sweep up any dirt that ends up inside the tent.
These are my simple hacks to go from camping to glamping. What are your simple camping hacks to jazz up your tent?